The Boulder Clay Coast at Sand le Mere.JPG

Book Four Updates

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Latest updates for both editions.

Following representations from a group of residents who live in Old Bolingbroke we have decided to alter the route so that it will now go through the grounds of the castle and also the route out of the village to go through Hareby, which does sit fair and square on the Greenwich Meridian. We are not quite sure why we did not take this route in the first place but, having had this drawn to our attention, there is now the added incentive of enjoying huge panoramic views south, back towards Boston, from a sweet little temple like structure erected in Hareby for the millenium.

Page 8: the last six lines now read -

About 100m before the war memorial seen ahead, turn right over bridge, enter woodland and follow path to gate. Enter the castle grounds and follow path to the front of the castle. After exploring the ruins, leave through gate, turn left and walk up to the centre, passing the entrance to the churchyard on the right.

Page 11: the new directions are -

At war memorial go left towards Hagnaby and almost immediately turn right along unsigned road towards Hareby, Climb gently and eventually follow road right then left where, on your right, you will see a small metal gate. Go through and go ahead to the modest “temple” constructed for the millennium which affords wonderful views looking south. Retrace steps, go ahead through village and turn right towards Hagworthingham. Turn left at crossroads towards Asgarby and stay on road for the next 2.5km.

New way marks have now been placed. They are the same as the old ones but have “New Route” inserted around the GMT and look like this.

It appears that the The Black Horse has closed permanently.

Change to the telephone number for the bus service to the following villages -

Bag Enderby (page 15), Somersby (page 17),Tathwell (page 22), Yarburgh (page 30), The Covenhams (page 32) and Fulstow (page 32).

The number is now 0345 234 3344 (changed from 0845) and you will need to register, by ringing that number, before using the service for the first time so forward planning will be required.

Page 40 - there is no longer a direct bus service between Cleethorpes and Hull. You now have to take a bus or train to Barton-Upon-Humber and then a bus to Hull.

Page 46 - the last bit of the directions. The new sea defence embankment has now been constructed immediately next to the main road. You walk through a door in the new barrier to get onto the start of the path that you follow beside Tunstall Drain which is unaltered at present. It will become interesting when the sea breaks through the old sea embankment and inundates the valley of the drain. We cannot see the path surviving and we have no idea how it will be re-routed. The next big winter storm might give us an answer.

Latest updates- May 2022